StudyRoomTraining-Admin | Jul 4, 2023
Safeguarding Adults

Who may need safeguarding?   Adult safeguarding is the process of protecting adults who are at risk of abuse or neglect. Adults who may need safeguarding include: People who are elderly or frail due to ill health, physical disability, or cognitive impairment. These adults may be more vulnerable to abuse or neglect because they may […]

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StudyRoomTraining-Admin | Jul 3, 2023
What is Manual Handling?

As a business manager in the field of Health and Social Care, I understand the importance of adhering to CQC requirements and ensuring the safety and well-being of both staff and clients. Today, let’s delve into the topic of manual handling, an essential aspect of care provision. What is manual handling? Manual handling refers to […]

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StudyRoomTraining-Admin | Jan 1, 2023
CQC guidelines for care homes_CQC health and safety requirements manual handling of people

As a care home provider, you know how important it is to keep your residents and staff safe. Unfortunately, accidents and injuries can happen when it comes to moving and handling of people, which is why it’s crucial to have a team that is well-trained in these techniques. At Study Room Training, we offer comprehensive […]

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StudyRoomTraining-Admin | Dec 19, 2022
How to Use Slide Sheets

  Slide sheets! We must use them correctly…here is why… Slide sheets come in all shapes and sizes, we have long ones, short ones, one way ones, four way ones, we have Wendyletts that we can leave on the bed, we have one use only ones and side way ones…and so many more! Confused? Not […]

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StudyRoomTraining-Admin | Nov 26, 2022
CQC Mandatory Training for Care Homes

CQC Mandatory Training for Care Homes

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