CQC guidelines for care homes_CQC health and safety requirements manual handling of people
As a care home provider, you know how important it is to keep your residents and staff safe.
Unfortunately, accidents and injuries can happen when it comes to moving and handling of people, which is why it’s crucial to have a team that is well-trained in these techniques.
At Study Room Training, we offer comprehensive training programs that meet the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) guidelines and regulations.
Our courses cover a wide range of topics, including
- manual handling of people,
- lifting techniques,
- and ergonomics,
and are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of your employees and residents. By investing in this training, you can help to prevent accidents and injuries, saving your care home money in the long run. Think about it – by implementing effective moving and handling techniques, you can reduce the risk of costly injuries and time off work, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings for your care home. Plus, we offer risk assessment training to help you identify and mitigate any potential hazards in your workplace and ensure that you are meeting the CQC’s standards. Our trainers are highly qualified and experienced, and are committed to delivering engaging and interactive training sessions that will leave your employees with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely and efficiently.
Don’t wait – contact us today to learn more and book your training session.
Your residents and staff deserve the best, and with our training programs, you can give them just that
Ensuring the safety and well-being of your residents and staff is of the utmost importance. That’s why it’s crucial to have a well-trained team when it comes to moving and handling techniques. Our team at studyroomtraining.co.uk is dedicated to providing comprehensive training programs that meet the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) guidelines and regulations. Our courses cover a wide range of topics, including manual handling, lifting techniques, and ergonomics, and are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of your employees and residents. Not only will this training help to prevent injuries and accidents, but it can also save your care home money in the long run. By implementing effective moving and handling techniques, you can reduce the risk of costly injuries and time off work, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings for your care home. In addition, we offer risk assessment training to help you identify and mitigate any potential hazards in your workplace and ensure that you are meeting the CQC’s standards. Our trainers are highly qualified and experienced, and are committed to delivering engaging and interactive training sessions that will leave your employees with the knowledge and skills they need to work safely and efficiently. Contact us today to learn more and book your training session!